Man sitting alone inside dark room with sun shining through window.

Uncertainty Attracts Contempt

When the horizon line no longer has a reference point and the land in front of you has lost the lush green of the pastures left behind, contempt will sidle up beside you to test your resilience.

Will the unknown journey before you become a breeding ground for contempt of the Lord? Rebellion? Disdain? Disobedience? Or will the vacuum of uncertainty create space for a faith increase?

When the Lord takes something from your life he does so to create the necessary conditions for increase. He takes what is unfruitful, to create space for fruitful growth. However, sometimes He prunes the branches of your life so heavily, it feels like your life has become barren and desolate. It is in this moment that the pruning is of such a magnitude that it feels like an eviction from the vineyard.

At this time, will contempt for the Lord’s ways fill the void? Or will patience, faithfulness and wisdom be sown across the desert landscape of your heart, as you wait on the Lord?

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