My Son

A few years ago I was travelling in London with my family and we had to run to catch a train with all our luggage. We were late and trying to move quickly, however my son wanted to help with the suitcase, resulting in us moving very slowly! I tried a couple of times to remove his hand and he got quite upset. As things progressed and as I watched my clock I began to feel increasingly stressed.

The Lord then said to me ‘he is you’. 

He reminded me that I also want to be connected to Him and what He is doing. He helped me to understand that keeping my hand on His suitcase is the only thing I can do. He reminded me that His work is too big for me to move alone, He pointed out that He is able to do it without me; but like a great Dad He let’s me help, because it brings Him (and me) so much joy.

Praise God for teaching me about His love and my place as His son. Praise God for teaching me to be a good Dad to my son.

We also did not miss the train.

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