Dandelion releasing seeds in wind

God Blesses Life Rhythms

Often God’s blessing is found in the rhythm of life: the pace of activity, the frequency, the pauses and the increases.

The world believes it has authority over our life rhythms, compelling and convincing us to submit to its rhythm.

It is easy to develop an expectation that the rhythms of work, the rhythms of education, the rhythms of religion, the rhythms of socialization, the rhythms of sustenance, the rhythms of consumption are a fixed reality that we must learn to live within.

However, Christ came to restore His life rhythms to all those who believe.

In Christ our life rhythms are set by the beat of the Spirit within. This rhythm does not conform to the life rhythm of the world that continues outside of us.

We work when others sleep. We rest when others work.

We pause when others rush by. We run when others rest.

We speak when others are quiet. We are silent when others shout.

Many things we no longer do at all. Some things we do all the time.

Many things we no longer care about. Other things dominate our mind.

Our song is out of tune with the world for our life rhythm is in tune with the Lord.

We come and go like the wind, while the world remains in the headwind.

As we receive His blessing the Lord adjusts our life rhythms to conform to His. He transforms both the nature of our activities and their pace and frequency in our daily life.

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