Sun setting behind people and birds on a beach.

Seasons in the Kingdom

First you learn to dance with the Lord, one step at a time. Once the basic steps and movements have been put in place, each day you relax more with the Lord, dancing and moving wherever He leads. From that point forward, you just need to take note of when the song changes.

When you are floating in the river of the Lord, the current of the river moves your canoe forward. All you need to do is tap your paddle gently left or right to keep your canoe in the center. However, when the river changes direction, more intentional strokes are needed on one side of the canoe to avoid running in to the bank.

When the season in the Kingdom changes, the nature and characteristic of the work the Lord is doing changes. A time of building may change in to a time of tearing down. A time of life may transition to a time of death. A time of searching may become a time to give up.

A Kingdom season affects all people. When it is winter, all people in the land are in winter; it does not matter if you are rich or poor, if you are a farmer or a gold merchant, winter is upon all. When it is a season for peace in the Kingdom, all are carried forward by this peace, when it is a season for war; all are affected by the turmoil.

However, your location in the land affects how you experience the season. Some parts of the land find winter to be harsh and suffer greatly. Others experience the mild effects of the season. Some people find that their location is exposed and dangerous, while others are found in a place of refuge.

Your responsibility in the land also affects how you experience the season. Those who are fishing at the river mouth when a storm rolls in find their livelihood is adversely affected and the season ushers in their mourning. Those who are farming in the desert find the fresh rain welcomes in their joy.

When the season in the Kingdom changes, all are affected, yet all differently.

Those who have been reading the signposts and have prepared for the change find much joy as their preparations are vindicated. These are the people who recognized the change of song; who saw the approaching bend in the river of the Lord and made the necessary adjustments.

Those who have been blind to the signposts or have chosen to ignore them are left exposed. These are the people who are still dancing to the old song; who had their eyes closed and are on course for the riverbank.

Listen carefully to what the Spirit is saying to His people, for He always gives forewarning of a change of direction and a change of season.

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