False hope is often an open door for Satan.
When Jesus announced that he would restore the kingdom to God’s people through suffering, death and resurrection Peter rose up to rebuke Jesus, “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” [Matt 16:22] Jesus then turned and rebuked Peter; exposing the spirit behind Peter’s words, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.” [Matt 16:23]
It is in this poignant moment that the false hope that Peter had been carrying in his heart was revealed; the false hope of a victorious entry in to the kingdom of God was exposed. As Jesus spoke out God’s Way of the cross, the false hope in Peter was dragged in to the light and was about to be put to death by Jesus’ words. The sword of truth was raised and execution was imminent, so this false hope cries out desperately fighting to stay alive, ‘Never, Lord!’
I can imagine what Peter was thinking and feeling at this time, ‘I believe that you will have victory Jesus and you will not face death. I believe you are the Messiah and you will rule. You will not admit defeat now, you will persevere, and you will not say these things, for I have given up everything to place my hope in you.’
However, Jesus does not treat Peter’s outburst lightly. In fact, at first glance his response appears disproportionate, lacking in empathy and possibly even harsh. Jesus quickly identifies the source of Peter’s words – Satan. He commands Satan to move and establishes that Satan’s thinking is synonymous with ‘the things of man’.
By grace, Jesus will not allow false hopes to remain hidden in the lives of his children. At some point he will expose them by speaking truth and wielding his sword to prune them from our heart. His words are swift and sharp, as he quickly separates us from Satan’s dreams that have made a home within us. At the time the rebuke is strong and painful but in retrospect it will be seen as an act of loving protection, for on the other side of this discipline only true hope remains.
Jesus shows us the way of the cross, he reveals the truth of the cross and he restores life from the cross. True hope is therefore found in the way, truth and life of Christ crucified.
If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.
Matthew 16:24-25