Man waiting in a waiting area.

The Wait of Obedience

Often the hardest act of obedience is to wait.

Moses had to wait while enduring the animosity of the Israelites and the terror of the Egyptian army, before the Lord made a way through the Red Sea.

The Israelites had to wait 70 years in exile, before the Lord decreed that the time for the remnant to return had come.

Joshua had to wait seven long days of anticipation, before the Lord permitted them to shout for the walls of Jericho to fall.

Joseph had to wait many years in servitude and captivity, before the key was given and the Lord’s promise was fulfilled.

To wait in a time of prosperity is a small cost for the time can be filled with joy. To wait in a time of adversity is a high cost for the time can only be filled with mourning.

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